Our kindergarten classes are based on the official guidelines of the French Ministry of Education. The teaching sheets are drawn up according to a rigorous progression and are part of a precise learning process. They have been designed by our team, under the aegis of our educational director.
La Pédagogie du Sens® has been registered. Its know-how is thus protected.
Bilingualism, the 3rd pillar of Pedagogy of Sense®, gives children the chance to practice another language, to better grasp the complexity of the world.
Bilingual teaching is based on a balance between French as a mother tongue and English.
In the mornings, French is used for fundamental learning. In the afternoons, English takes over, with fun learning through rhymes and games, on a purely oral basis. Students train their listening skills to foreign sounds and words. This is done by an English-speaking teacher.
From Petite Section onwards, part of the curriculum is taught in English: music, sports, puzzles, yoga, threading, English literature, etc.
Bilingualism is built into the progression of learning throughout kindergarten.
In primary school: The school becomes international by meeting the requirements of the international standard: French/English and bilingual subjects.