New logo for Antonia International School

The dynamics of the school’s openness and the annual theme of “Man and Living Things” are reflected in our new logo.

Round like our circle, the Antonia International School becomes A.I.S de Montpellier, Antonia international School. The four primary colors symbolize the first abstract learning experiences when we enter nursery school. An olive branch, in memory of the first tree given to the school at its inauguration, underlines our actions for peace. A branch of fig tree, in line with our commitment to the force of life, our desire to (re)green our space, with 7 figs as the 7 principles for a regenerated humanism proper to complex thinking. The upside-down A evokes the stage of development of our liberated company, open to the world, free to shake up codes, while respecting the framework. The I refers to our quest for individuation, recognizing our interdependencies and encouraging our interactions. The dragonfly is the symbol of the Pedagogy of Meaning© applied in our school. The letters are lower-case to emphasize our humility in the face of Knowledge.